Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Experiments in Review

I’m sorry for the lack of posting.  Sometimes I simply forget to upload some photos and actually remember what we’ve been doing together.

KONOS is proving to be an absolutely wonderful addition to our family.  There is very little sit-down-and-learn time.  It’s more hands on and the kids don’t feel like they’re actually doing school.  We are getting more time together doing fun activities.  We’re all liking it.

In addition to KONOS, is FIVE  IN A ROW  or FIAR .  We have been loving the time reading the same book 5 days in a row together.  Each day we do something new.  Some days it seems as though we read the book and talk about some words, locations, etc.  The kids are simply asking their regular questions they always do and it’s a part of the learning process for that day.  Loving it!! 

I was also blessed enough to get Jack-Jack Before Five in A Row over the weekend.  I’m hoping to pick up his books at the library over the next few days.  With one car, it’s hard to get to some places before they close.  Our days of having 1 are so almost over.  We are counting the days.  (hopefully hours)

Here are some of the fun things we have done and learned together over the past week:


Thing 2 and Jack-Jack enjoyed tracing items we found outside (leaves, mulch, a rock, grass) with paper over top and we rubbed crayons over them.  Jack Jack pressed too hard, but he enjoyed doing something with his big brother.


Thing 1 and Thing 2 did a scavenger hunt with cards that had words like:  Hard, soft, round, horizontal, smooth, wooden, etc.  Thing 2 totally won that game!  Our current characteristic in KONOS is Attentiveness.  This was just one of the many awesome activities we’ve done to teach attentiveness


Ladybug (who doesn’t have any ears) was able to do this awesome hearing activity.  We tied a tuning fork to a piece of string and banged it against the chair they were leaning over.  She was able to hear the sound vibrating through the string.  She was very excited.


We’ve done a lot over the past week,  I’ll work hard at trying to post more over the next few days.  This week was shortened with the holiday on Monday.  We got to enjoy some sweet time with family and relaxed and enjoyed a great rainy Labor Day.

Though I also wanted to share some great news about Time4Learning

Miss Ladybug doesn’t understand practically anything being read to her. When asked a question about a story just read to her, she will always get the answers wrong.  So, in an effort to reach her the other day-I listened to a story with her on Time4Learning and signed the major parts of each page to her.  (She isn’t fluent in ASL, but we’re working on it little by little) When we got to the questions about the story she only missed 1!  Oh yes, this Mama cried tears of joy at that accomplishment!  Needless to say that’s just another reason we love love LOVE Time4Learning for Ladybug.  And now, we are also making a HUGE effort to become fluent in ASL.  It’s completely Miss Ladybug’s natural language.  Now we are doing all we can to try to bring out the real Ladybug. 

That is all for now, goodnight friends.


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