Wednesday, August 31, 2011

FIAR and Such

**Sadly I have no Wordless Wednesday post, I don’t’ think I’ve taken enough pictures of fun things over the past week to link up this week, or maybe I have, but I haven’t looked**

Today Thing 2 and I started FIAR.  We were incredibly thankful when The Mister’s mom went to the library for us to pick up our ready books.  (Currently we have 1 (gas guzzling) vehicle). 

She picked up Thing 2 and together they toted off to the library to pick up Thing 2’s elephant book (Babar!).  Thing 2 has always loved elephants, so I was happy to pick Babar as a starting point.  Also, in KONOS Thing 1 and I are learning about hearing and attentiveness and when I saw Babar in there for “hearing”.  It’s in the middle of the FIAR Volume 2 book, but who cares?  I also got our second week’s book so we’re prepared.

FIAR almost seemed too easy.  But not in any way other than you don’t have to do as much as you do in other curricula.  The kids seemed to enjoy it and I loved reading together outside on our big trampoline for school.  I’m looking forward to the next 4 days and we’ll see how it goes reading the same book 5 days in a row. 

Thing 1 is retaining what he’s learning in KONOS so I’m super excited about that.  We talked about a few things he’s learning and it’s actually sticking.  That’s the goal!

I’ve also read FIAR has a Christian  Characteristic addition to their work as well-if FIAR works for Thing 2 we’ll consider it-but the stories in the Bible to coincide with KONOS is doing the job just fine with all the children.

I re-upped Ladybug’s Time4Learning subscription.  Though she hasn’t gotten to use it today.  I got her all set up and I think Time4Learning was having some technical difficulties so we had to quit.  Not sure if we’ll get to it now today or not.

I’m thinking of doing something with a Montessori theme for our co-op in the 2nd semester with the 4 and 5 year olds.  I think there’s only 6 weeks or so about 10 kids I think, should be easy enough, right?  Suggestions are welcomed!!

Tomorrow we are going to make GAK in the evening-I never tell the kids what fun I have in store for them-it’s always a surprise.

I would also like to add, before I close, Time4Learning has exemplary customer service!  I called this morning to get Mayah up and running again and within minutes.  The woman I spoke with us cheerful and very helpful.  I highly HIGHLY suggest doing a trial with them and seeing how awesome they are for yourself!!


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Always Adapting

Having four children, running an entire household, and homeschooling isn’t for the faint of heart.

Day 1 of KONOS was nothing short of amazing.  Thing 1 continually said how he was loving the short, fun day.

The day was no shorter than the rest of the days.  It was simply more fun.

We all thoroughly enjoyed reading a book together (not new to us) and building scenes we remembered from the book on our new, awesome (home made by the Mister!) felt board.



Math didn’t change as we absolutely adore Math-u-See.  I’m fully confident with Math-u-See Ladybug will be eventually able to add on paper.  Maybe not be given an actual real life addition problem-but I believe she will be able to add using the worksheets.


And now, on with the adapting.

Miss Ladybug is special needs and understands absolutely zero parts of a story being read to her…so Bible Stories, reading centered curriculum and analysis questions are out for her.  (I will certainly not quit having her be around the reading.)

No biggie, Ladybug did so well with Time4Learning we will be going back to that for her.  Hopefully this week-but next week at the latest.  I look forward to the one on one time with her helping her grow.  I will also be updating my official review of Time4Learning so it shows we will actually be continuing it.


Jack Jack is my only child to fully live in the terrible two’s.  Yikes.  I’m ready for my easy baby to come back.  In order for that to happen, I believe I will be needing to incorporate even more Montessori and hands on activities to include him.  Also, if we enjoy our trial period of Five In A Row, we’ll get Before Five In A Row for him.  (yes, there have been mentions so my curriculum addictions in the past.)


Thing 1 and Thing 2 are attached at the hip, completely 2 of a kind…except it’s not fair to Thing 2 to have him to everything his older brother is doing.  I was totally blessed by a person I’ve never met with Five in A Row I am going to try that with the younger 3 and we’ll see how it works out. 


Using different curricula for different children doesn’t really intimidate me, I like challenges.  I’m also sure many people have done it before me and many people will do it after me.  My biggest concern is maintaining household organization.

I’m pretty organized with new “systems” all through the house to make life easier for everyone living here.  I’m sure we’ll adapt again as time moves on and we learn more about how our new normal will be.

We will all continue with strictly KONOS for the week and begin more individualized studies next week…or until we start Time4Learning as well as the library gathering the books I’ve requested for Five In A Row.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Recycled Kitchen

This is my very first link up to Montessori Monday-

#1 because I’m new to the Montessori blog addiction and integration into our home classroom.


#2 because I steal everyone else’s ideas

This-technically I got from a friend after having coffee with her last week.


My children: Ladybug, Thing 1 and Thing 2 and Jack-Jack NEVER played with their play kitchen.  They have tons of foods and play plates, etc to go with it-occasionally I would see one of them using it, but not often enough to keep it.  Until after I was at M’s house-her In-Law’s had given them a small wooden play china hutch and she put a few of her girls’ dishes in there so they felt like they were helping Mommy.  GREAT IDEA.  So, much like everything else I read-I did the only honorable thing left to do.

I stole it.

The idea, not the girls’ new china hutch.

I moved my new tea cart to the hallway and slid the kids’ kitchen into my kitchen.  I added the napkin holder and cleaned out all the drawers and added all of their dishes. 

I put their placemats on the top and now each child has to do something at meal time.  In the mornings, by the time they get up-I’ve finished the dishes and one of them (generally the older 3) but Jack-Jack also likes to help sometimes –has to put away their dishes in their kitchen.  After a week-they now do it without being asked and one of them assigns another to a task and together (all 4) they set the table with their items.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

KONOS Starts Tomorrow

Before I recap the weekend and new hands on activities for Jack-Jack-I just wanted to say I spent a few hours on Saturday afternoon (Thankfully the Mister didn’t have to work!)  And prepared for our first week of #Konos.

To be honest, I’m not sure if I’m doing it “right” or not.  That’s the blessing of homeschooling.  I’ve got our first week planned with the regular bible verse, vocab words (picked from the 2 main stories being read) spelling words (also picked from the stories) a few science experiments, a MOVIE for Friday (it’s the “scheduled” co-op or activity day…AND….wait for it…I managed to get The Mister, while he was on the porch watching the older 3 play- cut out and create felt people and items to correlate with the story.  He is going to do 2 more “sets” for me today and we’ll be all ready for the week.  Seriously-I cannot wait to report how the first week went. 

Friday night-I had the awesome privilege of attending a women’s fellowship with my sweet friends.  I have been putting it off for a year or so and I have no idea why.  I’m sure God orchestrates His perfect timing into it though.  What an absolute blessing it was.

I didn’t get home until 2:45 a.m. and was in bed at 3!  WOW.  It’s been YEARS since that’s happened!

I will have pictures posted tomorrow.

Saturday, August 27, 2011 Review

Over the past month, the fab four have had the opportunity to review Time4Learning.
I was most interested in trying to find a way to reach Miss Ladybug.  If you’re new to our journey altogether, then you may not know Ladybug is going to be 8 but is more like a 3 year old who doesn’t understand too many things being said to her.
I was desperate to find a way to reach her and help to build her to her ultimate potential.
Time4Learning made that possible.  Lady has been able to incorporate speech work, signs, and utilizing the websites as well as maneuvering the computer mouse. 
For Ladybug alone, the monthly no-contract full curriculum fee of $19.99 seemed well worth it.
For Ladybug we used the pre-k curriculum.  We were able to learn shapes-which for her took over a week to fully sink in.  Even now, a few weeks later they are still sketchy.  No lacking on part of Time4Learning though!  The amount of repetitiveness makes it relatively easy for any preschooler to learn shapes and colors!
Thing 1 was jealous Thing 2 and Ladybug got to “play” on the computer so we added him for the month too.  While he enjoyed it, Thing 1 was in more of a hurry to simply get done than to actually learn.  Thankfully-I was able to follow along Thing 1’s work in 1st grade and see how he did on the activities and the tests.  Thing 1 was definitely retaining-as I would sit with him and “listen in” on his lessons.  He absolutely loved his first lesson on weather.  However, we had already purchased a curriculum for Thing 1(and the rest of the fab four) so officially adding him didn’t seem to make sense since it wasn’t the best way to reach him.
Thing 2-wow-he blew my mind!  I originally started him on Pre-k and within a week or two I added the K curriculum for him.  He absolutely loved Time4Learning!  Thing 2 easily moved from activity to activity earning great remarks (or checkmarks as they do in prek) for his lessons. 
All in all, using Time4Learning was a most excellent experience for the Fab 4 (though it was 3 of them, since Jack-Jack is still too little).  For one child-special needs or not-spending $19.99 a month is a great price.  Compared to other curriculum available for homeschoolers, Time4Learning definitely has the budgeting homeschooling Mom (or Dad!) in mind.
Let us not also forget Time4Learning has great resources available for parents.  Time4Learning encourages new users to follow along in their New Users Guide.  If you’re looking to connect in some form or another with other Time4Learning users in your area, Time4Learning has it covered!  Check out their forums and connect in whatever way you see fit to your needs.
I also would love to add, the customer service for Time4Learning is above any other I’ve ever experienced.  I’ve never received anything shorter than same day results 100% of the time.  Absolutely amazing. 
Keep up the good workTime4Learning

Our final decision as a family was to not pursue Time4Learning.  We had two main reasons:  1 while the price of $19.99 per month for one child is excellent, adding $14.95 per month more per child was a bit steep.  However, even if the price tag was cheaper our family prefers hands on learning and working together.  While we could have 3 children working simultaneously at the table-we were not interacting together. We will be doing a 1 month subscription during December when we are off school and that way the children can share activities.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Check out this Awesome Giveaway!

I am so entered into this drawing.  I think Miss Ladybug will absolutely LOVE getting this towel.


I’ve also fell in love with this towel from the Etsy site doing the giveaway:


Thing 2 would absolutely adore having this “FROG POND” towel.

I’m entered in about as many parts as I can minus a purchase (maybe I’ll get the frog one tomorrow!!) and Facebook.  (I divorced Facebook)

The drawing ends September 1 go to this blog:

And check it out!  I’ve also added her button to the right side of my blog, so grab it while you’re here.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hands On Happiness


Thing 2 and Jack-Jack building macaroni E’s


Jack Jack sorted checkers with tweezers


Thing 1 built canals


Jack-Jack opened and closed containers with beads in them-he also had to sort them and pour them


Miss Ladybug had a good time sorting the checkers

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I think it's only polite to welcome you to the new blog. I'm hoping to change a bit of the way I blog-though I'm sure that will take some time. Some of my buttons will move from my old blog-but mostly I don't want my blog to be a "former adoption blog" or something only adoption related.
Our family is so much more than a blog geared towards Ladybug-so in an albeit small effort to make some virtual changes in our (ahem, my life) I am also re-arranging my blog.
Tomorrow I promise there will be an update on our wonderful partial Montessori homeschool day today. Jack-Jack LOVED being included with his big brothers and sister.

Thanks for joining me. Please don't forget to click on "follow" on the right either by twitter or email updates.