Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Different Strokes

Yesterday it hit me.  Ladybug may be better off (at least this year) in a school setting.

So I started searching.

Happily it didn’t take too long.  The new church we have been attending also has a private preschool. 

I’m hoping my information comes in the mail tomorrow.

I’m also waiting to hear back from the woman whom I spoke with yesterday-with Ladybug being 8 and needing to be in a 4 year old preschool, she had to speak with the director first.  I’m believing there will be no issues. 

I’m the worst blogger ever.  I try and try to be diligent but it never works.

I have so many pictures and stories to share but time escapes me.

Here’s a few uplifting things in our family:

the Mister and I both got “new” cars in the past few weeks.  We are so thankful….it was definitely time!

Ladybug, Thing 1and Thing 2 are doing so well in swimming lessons!  I’m incredibly proud of them.  I’m expecting some major changes by the end of the Spring 2012 session.

Ladybug and Thing 1 are loving gymnastics!!  Thing 1 finally was able to get on the rings last Friday.  I have been waiting for that boy to get on the rings since he was born.  He was just born with muscles-I always thought rings would be good.  Turns out, he loved them!  I’m looking forward to this week.

Thing 2 has had 2 violin lessons.  I’m so proud of him.  He knows all the open strings and does well using my (full size) violin.  I ordered one for him 2 weeks ago and it’s still not here.  I’m getting antsy, and so is Thing 2-it’s hard holding my violin for him while he tries so hard to play.  He’s a trooper though, he is doing so well!!

Jack-Jack is LOVING his special one on one time he gets with Mama while we do Before FIAR.  Each day we get to read the story and do one activity together-no other kids allowed.  He’s loving it and his behavior is changing so much!

The Mister and I will soon be (hopefully) certified foster parents!  Looking forward to where that road will lead us over the next few months.  We have CPR certification as well as 2 documents waiting to be turned in to our case worker.  We’re getting excited.

Our basement, thanks to me taking a break from school 2 weeks ago with the kids, is now a fully functional play area.  Everyone is loving our new space!

I will hopefully be able to grab more time tomorrow to share pics of our activities lately.  I’m loving all the Tweeps I follow sharing their amazing ideas on crafts with kids.  I’m completely stocked on ideas for my co-op class for the rest of the school year!


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


In my previous post was a simple disclosure announcing that I would soon have access to SpellingCity.com

Day 1 was not as “plug and play” as I had hoped.  Nonetheless, totally worth it.  Truthfully, I was hoping to find immediate first grade spelling/vocab lists and just get Thing 1 on his merry way to spelling. 

Not the case.

HOWEVER, while our typical spelling/vocab portion of our day cost a bit more in time-day one ended very well for Thing 1 and his new spelling/vocab words.

I used the same spelling words as I would have without this program.  It only took a minute for me to type the spelling words into my own list.  I chose to publish my list so other members could use them as well.  (aren’t I thoughtful?) 

Immediately, SpellingCity.com prepared games and vocab exercises.  In order to get Thing 1 set up, I just had to add him as one of my children ( you get up to 5 with a YEARLY membership of $24.95!)  In my opinion, even on day one, I totally recommend using this program!  Once I had Thing 1 added, I clicked on assignments.  A wonderful list was already prepared for me to simply click on to assign Thing 1’s work. 

One of my favorite things (so far) with SpellingCity.com is the words I added were immediately assigned proper definitions (which I verified I wanted, you are given the choice of which definitions you want to coincide with the word).  i.e.  one of our words this week is tape.  I’m choosing tape, as in scotch tape…not tape as in record.  SpellingCity.com allows you to choose which one you want to use for the vocab exercises for the week.  Impressive! 

I’ve assigned Thing1 ten assignments with a due date of this coming Saturday.  (we’ve been on a school break so we need to school for 2 hours Saturday morning) 

So far Thing  1 has done a vocab test, a spelling test and “hang mouse” (which is not morbid like hangman)  lol  He did not know enough of his words by heart to do well at hang mouse so I did delete that one from his assignment and add different games.  I will re-assign that one later for him.  I’m enjoying the program for the computer time as well.  Thing 1 will have to learn more typing and location of letters on a qwerty keyboard-all good things to know. 

All in all, day 1 has proven to be very successful with SpellingCity.com  I’m incredibly thankful to Time4Learning for sharing this opportunity with me!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

~Another Review~

I’m so excited to announce I’m going to get to do another review.  Time4Learning.com sent me an email explaining how I can do another review for spelling.

I’m so excited.

And I just can’t hide it.

I promise, I won’t lose control-I will post the disclosure instead.  Seems to be the mature thing to do.



I've been given a premium membership to VocabularySpellingCity.com for a candid, personal, online review.

VocabularySpellingCity.com helps students study word lists using 25 different learning activities such as Crossword Puzzle, HangMan, and Handwriting Worksheets.  Parents can create their own spelling lists, find published lists already available on the site, or use any of dozens of  free teaching resources such as sound-alike words, and contractions.  Be sure to come back in three weeks to read about my experience.

There might be more free memberships available for bloggers.  If you're interested, find out how you can review VocabularySpellingCity.com.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Co-Op Friday

Friday is our first co-op.  Though at the time this is actually published our co-op will have already happened.  I’m teaching the 3-4 year olds an art class.  Two of my children are in this class.  Thing 2 and Ladybug. 

We are going to be using FIAR for the class.  Since I don’t want to add any more work into my workload, I moved our homeschool FIAR ART day to Friday’s.  That way, Thing 2 isn’t missing out on anything.  KONOS works a co-op day into their curricula so that’s simply wonderful.  Making a 4 day week every other week for KONOS is simple. 

We are reading The Giraffe that Walked to Paris this week with Thing 2.  We are making this craft.


A paper bag giraffe.  Tomorrow night (Thursday) the Mister and I will be cutting out felt brown pieces, pairing googly eyes, and (hopefully) yellow fun foam pieces and piecing together a little kit for each student and placing everything in individual Ziploc baggies.  I have to time to how long it takes me to read the story tomorrow –I only have an hour with the kids.  Should be enough time.  I’m using egg cartons to hold the glue, and q-tips as a means to apply the glue to the pieces.

I will have some littles in my class too.  They are going to color a page of a giraffe after the story.  I’m looking forward to it.  can’t wait to add how it actually goes on Friday. 

**Friday has come and gone, I’m finally remembering to add this post.  The co-op went very well.  Thing 1 LOVED it and wasn’t ready to go after 3 hours.  Jack-Jack stayed entertaining to the nursery volunteers for the entire time. I’m so proud of him.  Co-op is during his nap, so I won’t expect every time to be like this one.  Thing 2 and Ladybug did rather well.  Their room is the most crowded and they do not switch rooms for every period like the older kids-so they did as well as can be expected. 

I played in the nursery with Jack Jack for the first period and enjoyed some non-sibling time with him.  During second period I taught Thing 2 and Ladybug’s class.  Since the book we read that week was a bit long, I took some liberties in shortening it for the other kids.  Thing 2 was very excited to read the book again

I think the giraffes turned out wonderfully:



Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Experiments in Review

I’m sorry for the lack of posting.  Sometimes I simply forget to upload some photos and actually remember what we’ve been doing together.

KONOS is proving to be an absolutely wonderful addition to our family.  There is very little sit-down-and-learn time.  It’s more hands on and the kids don’t feel like they’re actually doing school.  We are getting more time together doing fun activities.  We’re all liking it.

In addition to KONOS, is FIVE  IN A ROW  or FIAR .  We have been loving the time reading the same book 5 days in a row together.  Each day we do something new.  Some days it seems as though we read the book and talk about some words, locations, etc.  The kids are simply asking their regular questions they always do and it’s a part of the learning process for that day.  Loving it!! 

I was also blessed enough to get Jack-Jack Before Five in A Row over the weekend.  I’m hoping to pick up his books at the library over the next few days.  With one car, it’s hard to get to some places before they close.  Our days of having 1 are so almost over.  We are counting the days.  (hopefully hours)

Here are some of the fun things we have done and learned together over the past week:


Thing 2 and Jack-Jack enjoyed tracing items we found outside (leaves, mulch, a rock, grass) with paper over top and we rubbed crayons over them.  Jack Jack pressed too hard, but he enjoyed doing something with his big brother.


Thing 1 and Thing 2 did a scavenger hunt with cards that had words like:  Hard, soft, round, horizontal, smooth, wooden, etc.  Thing 2 totally won that game!  Our current characteristic in KONOS is Attentiveness.  This was just one of the many awesome activities we’ve done to teach attentiveness


Ladybug (who doesn’t have any ears) was able to do this awesome hearing activity.  We tied a tuning fork to a piece of string and banged it against the chair they were leaning over.  She was able to hear the sound vibrating through the string.  She was very excited.


We’ve done a lot over the past week,  I’ll work hard at trying to post more over the next few days.  This week was shortened with the holiday on Monday.  We got to enjoy some sweet time with family and relaxed and enjoyed a great rainy Labor Day.

Though I also wanted to share some great news about Time4Learning

Miss Ladybug doesn’t understand practically anything being read to her. When asked a question about a story just read to her, she will always get the answers wrong.  So, in an effort to reach her the other day-I listened to a story with her on Time4Learning and signed the major parts of each page to her.  (She isn’t fluent in ASL, but we’re working on it little by little) When we got to the questions about the story she only missed 1!  Oh yes, this Mama cried tears of joy at that accomplishment!  Needless to say that’s just another reason we love love LOVE Time4Learning for Ladybug.  And now, we are also making a HUGE effort to become fluent in ASL.  It’s completely Miss Ladybug’s natural language.  Now we are doing all we can to try to bring out the real Ladybug. 

That is all for now, goodnight friends.


Friday, September 2, 2011

Helen Keller

Play Academy Idea Swap Link Up


Just found this wonderful link up Found HERE!

Thing 1 and I are studying with KONOS.  And this week we started Attentiveness.  We got to watch The Miracle Worker about Helen Keller.  When the movie was over (and we rarely allow movies) we went outside.  I grabbed a blindfold and some ear muffs used at the range.


During the movie, the kids watched as Helen had her arms in front of her waving them around.  Ladybug, Thing 1 and Thing 2 all made separate mentions of why she was acting that way. 

Each of the older 3 (Jack Jack and gone to Nana’s for the night!) got a turn to be blind and deaf (though Ladybug is halfway to the second part, so they got a taste of their own sister’s hearing (or lack thereof) as well.)  I spun them around and took them to the middle of our yard. 

Each child eventually (didn’t take long) found his or her way to the entrance step of the big trampoline.  They were able to find out they were by waving their arms in front of them…just like Helen.

